
What is Node js development? Why you should use it?

Node.js Architecture and How It Works

In Node js development uses the “Single Threaded Event Loop” structure to host multiple clients at once. To understand how this differs from other operating systems, we need to understand how clients with multiple cables simultaneously are treated with languages ​​such as Java.

In a multi-threaded application response model, multiple clients submit a request, and the server processes each one before sending a response. However, multiple cables are used to process calls simultaneously. These strings are defined in a string pool, and each time a request is received, each string is assigned to carry it.

Node.js works differently. Let’s look at each step he took:

  • Node.js maintains a limited number of applications.
  • Whenever an application arrives, Node.js puts it online.
  • Now, a single-stranded “event loop” —the core component — comes into the picture. This event loop is waiting for applications permanently.
  • When the application comes in, the loop picks it up in line and checks if we need an input/output (I / O) blocking function. 
  • If the application has a blocking function to be performed, the event loop provides a string from the internal chain to process the request. There is a limited internal series available. This group of auxiliary cables is called a crew.
  • The event loop tracks blocked requests and list them once the blocking activity has been processed. This is how it keeps its unrestricted state.

As in Node js development uses fewer threads, it uses fewer resources/memory, which results in faster performance. So for our purposes, this single-string building is the equivalent of a multi-stranded building. If one needs to process tasks that require data, then using multidisciplinary languages ​​like Java makes more sense. But in real-time programs, Node.js development is the obvious choice.

Features Of Node.js

Node.js has grown rapidly over the past few years. This is due to the large list of features it offers:

  • Easy- Node js is very easy to get started with. It is the preferred choice for web development beginners. With so many courses and a large community – getting started is very easy.
  • Scalable- Provides a large number of applications. Node.js, which is a single series, is capable of managing a large number of simultaneous communications with high throughput.
  • Speed ​​— Unrestricted cable use makes Node.js faster and more efficient.
  • Packages — A large collection of Node.js open source packages available that can make your job easier. There are over one million packages in the NPM ecosystem today.
  • Strong backend — Node.js is marked C and C ++, which makes it faster and adds features such as network support.
  • Multi-platform support – Cross-platform development allows you to create SaaS websites, desktop applications, and mobile applications, all in  Node js development.
  • Maintainable – Node js development is an easy developer option as both frontend and backend can be treated with JavaScript as a single language.

Market Size

There has been a huge growth in websites over the past two decades, and as expected, Node.js is also growing rapidly. The popular operating time has already exceeded the download limit of 1 billion back in 2018, and according to W3Techs, Node.js is used by 1.2% of all websites everywhere. That is more than 20 million total sites online.

No wonder the popular selection with millions of companies, too. Here are a few popular ones that use Node.js today:

  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • eBay
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn
  • Godaddy

Applications Of Node.js

Node.js is used for a variety of app development. Let’s take a look at some popular use cases where Node.js is a good decision:

Real-time chats — Due to its consistent single-series nature, Node.js is well-suited for processing real-time communication. It can easily scale and is often used in building chatbots. Node.js also makes it easy to build additional chat features like crowded chat and app notifications.

Internet of Things — IoT applications tend to integrate multiple sensors, as they often send small pieces of data that can accumulate in a large number of applications. Node.js is a great option as it can manage these applications at once instantly.

Data Broadcast — Companies like Netflix use Node.js for live streaming purposes. This is mainly because Node.js is lightweight and fast, otherwise, Node.js provides a native streaming API. This stream allows users to move applications to each other, resulting in the data being streamed directly to its repository.

Complex one-page applications (SPAs) —In SPAs, the entire application is uploaded to a single page. This usually means that there are a few back-end requests for certain components. The Node.js event loop comes in handy here, as it processes applications in a non-restrictive way.

REST API-based applications — JavaScript is used both before and after sites. Thus, the server can easily communicate with the frontend via the REST API using Node.js. Node js development also offers packages like Express.js and Koa that make it even easier to build web applications.

Is Node.js A Programming Language?

Node.js is not a programming language. Instead, a workspace is used to run JavaScript without a browser.

And Node.js is not a framework (software development platform). Node.js operating time is built on programming language — in this case, JavaScript — and helps to use the frameworks themselves.

In summary, Node.js is not a programming language or framework; it is its place.

Is Node.js Frontend Or Backend?

A common misconception among developers is that Node.js is a background framework and is only used to build servers. This is not true: Node.js can be used both front and back.

One of the reasons why Node.js frameworks are so popular is the decision of developers to create a flexible and uplifting backend for its event-driven, unrestricted environment. However, frontend developers will see these benefits of Node.js in their work more clearly.

Let’s take a look at why Node.js works on both backend and frontend:

Reusable – JavaScript is a common language used to write both back and forth with the help of agencies like Express.js and Meteor.js. Some popular stacks like MERN use Express.js as a backend (Node.js framework). Many parts can be reused between n front and backend as well.

Productivity and efficiency of developers – Due to the reduction of context switching between multiple languages, more developer time can be saved. Using JavaScript on both backend and frontend leads to improved performance, as many tools are common to both.

Greater Community – A thriving online community accelerates a successful development cycle. If you get into trouble, there is a good chance someone will solve it and share the solution in Stack Overflow. Node.js makes good use of this community, which is active and engaging when it comes to popular operating time and its packages.


In short, Node.js is a popular editing platform that can be used to build high-quality applications that need to support multiple applications at once. One-stranded I / O blockchain makes it an excellent choice for both real-time and data streaming applications, too.

To strengthen it, even more so, Node.js has a large community of active developers and boasts of the world’s largest open-source package, NPM, which currently contains more than a million packages.

It is easy to get started with Node js development. We’ve put together a way to install and create a server in Node.js, so all that’s left is to think about how to use and use Node.js in your stack. You can also expand your knowledge by visiting the official Node.js document at Node js development.

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