
6 Common Drawbacks of E-Learning

E-learning has some big problems, and these issues are often ignored in online discussions. Admittedly, who would wish to stop education from getting better?

When you look at the sector as a whole, you can see that there is a lot of excitement. The statistics for the e-learning sector in 2020 show that it will grow a lot. But educators all over the world still know there are some big problems in the field. Let’s look at some of these problems in more depth.

The following are the six common drawbacks of e-learning:

1. There isn’t a lot of student feedback online.

In a classroom setting, teachers can give immediate feedback to students in person. If a student is having trouble with the curriculum, they can get help quickly and directly during the lesson or during office hours.

Students benefit from personalized feedback because it makes the learning process easier, richer, and more important while also making the students more motivated. The pursuit of connection and connectedness has been a feature of well-designed online learning since the advent of remote education (Simonson, 2017).

On the contrary, getting feedback from students is still hard for e-learning. When students take regular tests and don’t get feedback that is tailored to them, they are unhappy. Traditional ways of giving feedback to students don’t always collaborate in an e-learning environment, so online education suppliers are compelled to look for other ways to give feedback.

Still, there isn’t a lot of research on how to give feedback to students online, so it could take some time for effective goal setting to be fully backed by research and proven to work.

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2. E-learning can make people feel alone.

The way e-learning is used in schools right now tends to make students think, feel far away, and not talk to each other much. Because of this, many students and educators who spend a lot of time online could indeed start to feel lonely because they don’t talk to many people.

When people don’t talk to each other and don’t interact with other people, it can lead to mental health problems like more stress, anxiety, and bad thoughts.

3. E-learning requires time management and self-motivation skills.

One of the main reasons why students don’t finish online courses is that they don’t have enough self-motivation. There are many things in traditional classrooms that keep pushing students toward their learning goals.

Face-to-face time with professors, activities with other students and strict schedules combine to keep students on track with their studies.

In an e-learning environment, on the other hand, there are fewer outside forces that push students to do well. During their active learning, students are often left to their own devices, with no one constantly pushing them toward their learning goals. Thus, to Pay Someone To Do My Online Math Class, physics class or science class has become a norm for non-serious students towards studies.

When taking E-Learning classes, students will often have to learn hard topics in the comfort of their own homes, without any of the extra stress that comes with traditional colleges. So, it can be hard for students who don’t have a lot of self-motivation or good time management skills to meet regular deadlines while studying online.

4. Online students don’t learn how to communicate well enough.

E-learning methods have been shown to be very good at helping students learn more about their subjects. Students’ communication skills, on the other hand, aren’t always worked on during online lessons.

Due to the fact that peers, students, and teachers can’t talk to each other face-to-face in an online environment, students may find that they can’t work well as a team. If teachers don’t teach students how to talk to each other, they will graduate with a lot of theoretical knowledge but won’t be able to teach it to other people.

There is no face-to-face communication in e-learning. Many of the other problems with online learning have to do with the fact that you can’t talk to people in person. Lack of face-to-face interaction with the teacher makes it hard for students to give feedback, makes them feel alone, and could make them feel less pressured.

A lack of stress can be bad because it makes it easier for students to give up on their studies. Many people don’t like it when professors constantly push them, but it works to keep students in school.

5. It’s hard to keep people from cheating on online tests.

One of the main issues with e-learning is that cheating continues to happen in different ways. “I Need Someone To Take My Online Class” seems an easy way for students to skip taking their classes themselves.

Online students could indeed cheat on tests more easily than students who go to school on campus because they take tests in their own homes and on their own computers.

Students can’t be directly watched during tests without a video stream, which makes it harder to catch cheaters during online tests than during traditional tests. Also, if there isn’t a good way to check a person’s identity, students taking online tests might be able to let someone else take the test instead of themselves, giving a completely fake test score.

6. Most online teachers tend to spend more time on theory than on practice.

Even though some of the more inventive online learning platforms are starting to address and fix this problem with e-learning, it hasn’t gone away completely yet. People are looking for new ways to make money (thesiswritinghelp, 2021). The problem is that a lot of e-learning training institutions choose to focus on developing theoretical concepts instead of practical skills.

The reason for this is clear: theoretical lectures are much easier to set up in an online environment for learning than practical lectures. After all, pragmatic projects in an online program require a lot more planning than theoretical education because there is no face-to-face communication and no classrooms to use as workshops.

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E-learning is learning that happens online, most of the time on the internet. Among the most popular ways to learn online is through online courses, which are expected to be worth more than $200 billion by 2021. And this value is only going to keep going up.


TWH. 2021.  10 Best Online Shopping Platforms in Pakistan. Online available at <> [Accessed date: 26TH September 2022] Simonson, M., 2017. Social media and online learning: Pros and cons. Distance Learning14(4), pp.72-71.

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